*Under Construction* – This page will be improved and updated as time goes on. Bookmark and check back.
What follows is a list of resources on the philosophy of anarchy. Like our other resource pages, this will hopefully provide a go-to place as you travel down the rabbit hole of seeing the state for what it is and discovering viable alternative theories for how we can get along without government as we know it.
For anyone completely unfamiliar with the idea (or familiar, but hostile to it); anarchy does not mean violence, chaos, lack of structure, etc. It does not mean there are no rules. It is not hell on earth and it is not utopia. It is an idea, based on moral principles. There is nothing to implement. You don’t necessarily have to get everyone in a certain place to agree to anything; because there isn’t any central thing to agree to. This revolves around the idea that individuals can be left to manage their private lives, and all of the services we now think government must “provide” can be offered on the market (including law, justice, security, roads, education, etc), for less money, and without all the violence and coercion of the state. In short, as stated in the true meaning of the word, anarchy does not mean “without rules”, it literally means “without rulers”.
If the resource is available for free online, I will notate it with a * and provide a link. Otherwise, the rest can be found on Amazon or other bookstores.
If you have suggestions for useful and relevant content to add to this list or our other resource pages, please comment, send an email on the contact page, or message me through the Facebook page.
Historical Examples of Anarchy Without Chaos (A very comprehensive list – Check this out! The excuse by statists that “there have never been any examples of anarchy” just doesn’t fly.)