
Fat and Cholesterol Do Not Cause Heart Disease
Dietary fat and cholesterol are not the primary causes of heart disease. For decades, scientists, using cherry-picked data, and thinking

The Best Education You Can Give Yourself…Travel
Probably not a surprise to my readers, but school is definitely not the only or best way to become educated.

What is Statism?
What is Statism?In libertarian circles, we talk quite a bit about “the state”, “statism”, and “statists.” But, I think the

54 Arguments For Home Education
Have a listen to this podcast over at the School Sucks Project. Brett interviews new blogger and unschooling dad, Jeff

The Rise of Private Security and the Decline of Government “Law Enforcement”
Imagine life without the government police. Imagine not having “law enforcement” to keep us safe. At this point, your average

Anarchy in Detroit: 13 Great Things Happening In The Motor City
Despite the bad rap that Detroit still gets, many people in that city are doing great things, and moving the

Quote of the Day: David Friedman on China’s Economic Growth
If you look at the world as a whole, the situation has gotten quite a lot better; That something like,

Do You Stand By The President?
The StateI was reminded recently that there are in fact people who still “stand by” the current president of the

An Introduction to Stoicism
The following podcast is a great introduction to Stoicism. I think it is a helpful philosophy for all of us to

The Rise of Private Security and the Decline of Government “Law Enforcement”
Imagine life without the government police. Imagine not having “law enforcement” to keep us safe. At this point, your average

Quote of the Day: David Friedman on China’s Economic Growth
If you look at the world as a whole, the situation has gotten quite a lot better; That something like,

The Rise of Private Security and the Decline of Government “Law Enforcement”
Imagine life without the government police. Imagine not having “law enforcement” to keep us safe. At this point, your average
Life & Learning

Fat and Cholesterol Do Not Cause Heart Disease
Dietary fat and cholesterol are not the primary causes of heart disease. For decades, scientists, using cherry-picked data, and thinking

The Rise of Private Security and the Decline of Government “Law Enforcement”
Imagine life without the government police. Imagine not having “law enforcement” to keep us safe. At this point, your average

The Best Education You Can Give Yourself…Travel
Probably not a surprise to my readers, but school is definitely not the only or best way to become educated.

The Selfish Basis of Benevolence
“Rand did address the first of these questions, concerning benevolence and altruism. She argued that altruism is not the basis

Who is Satoshi Nakamoto?
In Ayn Rand’s classic novel, Atlas Shrugged, there was a great man; an inventor, an entrepreneur, a businessman, a man

The Case For Radical, Unregulated Free Trade
The Economic Case When we hear the phrase “free trade” many people instinctively think of the “free trade agreements” that

What is Statism?
What is Statism?In libertarian circles, we talk quite a bit about “the state”, “statism”, and “statists.” But, I think the

Quote of the Day: Jordan Page On Life, Liberty, And Effective Communication
My understanding of the world as it is now is so vastly different than what it was in 2006, 10