Yes, Butter is Healthy.

butterclose-upDespite what “experts”, doctors, and the government have said for decades, butter, in general, is not bad for you. In the butter world, it’s the faux-butter spreads that are the real enemy, as they’re mostly vegetable oil based, processed, and hydrogenated.  In truth, as we now know fat and cholesterol are not the underlying culprits for heart issues. It has much more to do with inflammation, calcification of the arteries, insulin and leptin issues, and other things.  Natural, high-quality fatty products like grass-fed butter aren’t just not bad for you, they are very nutritious, and full of many nutrients including most of the fat-soluble vitamins (A, K2, E, D).  The evidence shows that with an overall healthy diet and lifestyle, removing the bad stuff, and introducing the good, like grass-fed butter – heart issues significantly decrease.

For most people who are “trying to be healthy”, their lack of results stems from taking out what they think is bad, and continuing to eat what they don’t realize is actually bad.  For example, cutting out proteins, fats, oils – AND continuing to eat margarine, grains, sugars, diet or regular soda, fruit juices, corn, soy, processed foods, etc. – will lead to disaster, more weight, heart issues, and cancers.  For others, they do slightly better with a diet more focused on vegetables.  But, they mistakenly cut out fats and proteins. So they might see some immediate “results” from eliminating entire macro-nutrient groups, as well as maybe eating more veggies. But, there’s sort of a hidden danger, because they are likely still eating some unhealthy inflammatory foods, like sugar, artificial sweeteners, grains, etc. Also, without fat, the body will be burning carbs as its primary energy source, complicating diabetic and weight related issues.  Plus, they’re lacking the benefits of the healthy fatty foods. Clean, fresh animal and non-animal products like pastured eggs, grass-fed butter and beef, bone broth, avocados, coconut oil and others provide numerous health benefits. They’re full of vitamins and minerals and are essential to the immune system, as well as bone, heart, brain and overall health.  So the point is, they might see weight loss and drops in total cholesterol and think they’re doing well, but they might just be setting the stage for future health troubles. The overall risk of heart disease and other issues is still higher than it would be with a healthy lifestyle and a diet without the bad stuff, and filled with only natural vegetables, proteins, fats, fruits, nuts, and seeds.

In summary; If removing fat from the diet AND still eating inflammatory foods like grains, sweeteners, dairy, regular salt; you could still see cardiovascular issues down the road. Plus, on a diet lacking fat and protein they will suffer in other ways over time – potentially becoming thin, appearing to age more rapidly, lacking energy, and possibly developing neurological issues, bone issues, cancers, etc.

So the verdict is – we definitely recommend grass-fed butter! Yes, it’s healthy. Plus it has a deep, rich, yellow color; a stronger flavor, and a creamier consistency.  I encourage anyone trying to get healthier or lose weight to not merely add grass-fed butter into your diet, but to explore all of these concepts, and potentially realign your entire personal health plan.

We normally buy Kerrygold unsalted in the silver wrapper, but anything that says “grass-fed” or “pasture-raised” I think would be good.

I would also recommend Ghee (clarified butter).  Imagine regular grass-fed butter, but even better 🙂

Below you’ll find some additional reading if you still need convincing butter is good for you, and that heart issues have very little to do with dietary fat and cholesterol.

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(Also as always, I am not a licensed medical professional. Any health issues discussed on this site come from my own personal research.  Any suggestions are merely that, just suggestions, and not professional medical advice.)

(Updated 10/30/2015)
